Class Alias::Validator

  1. lib/alias/validator.rb
Parent: Object

Creates validations for use with Alias::Creator.valid.


public class

  1. default_validators
  2. new
  3. register_validators

public instance

  1. validate


message [R]
validation_proc [R]
validators [R] Hash of registered validators.

Public class methods

default_validators ()

Default validators are :constant, :class, :instance_method and :class_method.

[show source]
# File lib/alias/validator.rb, line 66
      def default_validators
          {:key=>:constant, :if=>lambda {|e| any_const_get(e) }, :message=>lambda {|e| "Constant '#{e}' not created since it doesn't exist"}},
          {:key=>:class, :if=>lambda {|e| ((klass = any_const_get(e)) && klass.is_a?(Module)) },
            :message=>lambda {|e| "Alias for class '#{e}' not created since the class doesn't exist"}},
          {:key=>:instance_method, :if=> lambda {|e| instance_method?(*e) },
            :message=>lambda {|e| "Alias for instance method '#{e[0]}.#{e[1]}' not created since it doesn't exist" }},
          {:key=>:class_method, :if=>lambda {|e| class_method?(*e) },
            :message=>lambda {|e| "Alias for class method '#{e[0]}.#{e[1]}' not created since it doesn't exist" }}
new (options={})

Options are described in Alias::Creator.valid.

[show source]
# File lib/alias/validator.rb, line 9
    def initialize(options={})
      raise ArgumentError unless options[:key] && options[:creator]
      @condition = options[:if] || options[:unless] || raise(MissingConditionError)
      inherits(Validator.validators[@condition]) if Validator.validators[@condition]
      raise InvalidValidatorError unless @condition.is_a?(Proc)
      @optional = options[:optional] || false
      @validation_proc = options[:unless] ? lambda {|e| ! } : @condition
      @options = options
      @message = options[:message] if options[:message]
      @message = default_message unless @message.is_a?(Proc)
register_validators (validators)

Registers validators which creators can reference as symbols in Alias::Creator.valid.

[show source]
# File lib/alias/validator.rb, line 58
      def register_validators(validators)
        @validators ||= {}
        validators.each do |e|
          @validators[e[:key]] ||=>self))

Public instance methods

validate (current_creator, alias_hash, current_attribute)

Validates a given alias hash with the validator proc defined by :if or :unless in Alias::Creator.valid. Default arguments that these procs receive works as follows: If the validation key is the same name as any of the keys in the alias hash, then only the value of that that alias key is passed to the procs. If not, then the whole alias hash is passed.

[show source]
# File lib/alias/validator.rb, line 25
    def validate(current_creator, alias_hash, current_attribute)
      return true if @optional && current_creator.force
      arg = create_proc_arg(alias_hash, current_attribute)
      result = !!
      puts create_message(arg) if result != true && current_creator.verbose