Collection of utility methods used throughout Boson.
public instance
Public instance methods
Returns a constant like const_get() no matter what namespace it’s nested in. Returns nil if the constant is not found.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 29 def any_const_get(name) Hirb::Util.any_const_get(name) end
From Rails ActiveSupport, does the reverse of underscore: ‘boson/method_inspector’ -> ‘Boson::MethodInspector’
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 17 def camelize(string) Hirb::Util.camelize(string) end
Converts a module/class string to the actual constant. Returns nil if not found.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 23 def constantize(string) any_const_get(camelize(string)) end
Creates a module under a given base module and possible name. If the module already exists or conflicts per top_level_class_conflict, it attempts to create one with a number appended to the name.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 71 def create_module(base_module, name) desired_class = camelize(name) possible_suffixes = [''] + %w{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} if (suffix = possible_suffixes.find {|e| !base_module.const_defined?(desired_class+e) && !top_level_class_conflict(base_module, "#{base_module}::#{desired_class}#{e}") }) base_module.const_set(desired_class+suffix, end end
Deep copies any object if it can be marshaled. Useful for deep hashes.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 86 def deep_copy(obj) Marshal::load(Marshal::dump(obj)) end
Detects new object/kernel methods, gems and modules created within a block. Returns a hash of what’s detected. Valid options and possible returned keys are :methods, :object_methods, :modules, :gems.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 36 def detect(options={}, &block) options = {:methods=>true, :object_methods=>true}.merge!(options) original_gems = Object.const_defined?(:Gem) ? Gem.loaded_specs.keys : [] original_object_methods = Object.instance_methods original_instance_methods = class << Boson.main_object; instance_methods end original_modules = modules if options[:modules] detected = {} detected[:methods] = options[:methods] ? (class << Boson.main_object; instance_methods end - original_instance_methods) : [] detected[:methods] -= (Object.instance_methods - original_object_methods) unless options[:object_methods] detected[:gems] = Gem.loaded_specs.keys - original_gems if Object.const_defined? :Gem detected[:modules] = modules - original_modules if options[:modules] detected end
From Rubygems, determine a user’s home.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 96 def find_home Hirb::Util.find_home end
Returns all modules that currently exist.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 63 def modules all_modules = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) {|e| all_modules << e} all_modules end
Recursively merge hash1 with hash2.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 91 def recursive_hash_merge(hash1, hash2) hash1.merge(hash2) {|k,o,n| (o.is_a?(Hash)) ? recursive_hash_merge(o,n) : n} end
Safely calls require, returning false if LoadError occurs.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 53 def safe_require(lib) begin require lib true rescue LoadError false end end
Splits array into array of arrays with given element
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 107 def split_array_by(arr, divider) arr.inject([[]]) {|results, element| (divider == element) ? (results << []) : (results.last << element) results } end
Returns name of top level class that conflicts if it exists. For example, for base module Boson::Commands, Boson::Commands::Alias conflicts with Alias if Alias exists.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 102 def top_level_class_conflict(base_module, conflicting_module) (conflicting_module =~ /^#{base_module}.*::([^:]+)/) && Object.const_defined?($1) && $1 end
From Rails ActiveSupport, converts a camelcased string to an underscored string: ‘Boson::MethodInspector’ -> ‘boson/method_inspector‘
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 7 def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end
Regular expression search of a list with underscore anchoring of words. For example ‘some_dang_long_word’ can be specified as ‘s_d_l_w’.
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 116 def underscore_search(input, list, first_match=false) meth = first_match ? :find : :select return (first_match ? input : [input]) if list.include?(input) input = input.to_s if input.include?("_") underscore_regex = input.split('_').map {|e| Regexp.escape(e) }.join("([^_]+)?_") list.send(meth) {|e| e.to_s =~ /^#{underscore_regex}/ } else escaped_input = Regexp.escape(input) list.send(meth) {|e| e.to_s =~ /^#{escaped_input}/ } end end
Behaves just like the unix which command, returning the full path to an executable based on ENV[‘PATH’].
# File lib/boson/util.rb, line 81 def which(command) ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map {|e| File.join(e, command) }.find {|e| File.exists?(e) } end