Rails Overview With Rdoc Parser
Ever want a quick overview of a rails project you’re working on? I did and here’s what I did.
It’s been awhile since I wrote here, having been busy with my usual tagging ideas. Since last time I wrote, I’ve released two public pieces of rails-related code! : a patch for nested sets as well as my first gem. All shameless plugs aside, I came here to share some old code I revived and a practical use I found for it. The code is here.
My goal awhile back was to be able to quickly understand any ruby code given to me. To put myself on that path I did two things: learn to debug Ruby thoroughly with Kernel::set_trace_func
and parse ruby files. I wanted to parse ruby files so I could get a quick overview of a file’s classes and their methods. I looked at ParseTree and then rdoc’s parser. Of the two, rdoc seemed to be a little higher level and so the core method looks like:
def rdoc_parse_file(file)
class_hash = {}
content = File.open(file, "r") {|f| f.read}
capital_p = RDoc::ParserFactory.parser_for(RDoc::TopLevel.new(file),file,content,Options.instance,RDoc::Stats.new)
rclasses = RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules
rclasses.each {|rc| index_class(rc,class_hash) }
That little bit opens a file, scans it with rdoc and then saves the methods by class with the recursive function index_class()
. If you look at the full version you’ll probably laugh at how small index_class()
Since writing rdoc_parse_file()
, I’ve been taking apart and writing rails apps. So I recently combined the two. Overview.rb is a script you can drop into you rails script directory to provide a handy outline of the classes and methods by directory under app/. I use it for note taking when dealing with a new rails app.
A sample output of the snippets rails app :
controllers UserController: - show PostsController: - create - destroy - edit - index - show - update TagController: - show ApplicationController: - admin_or_post_owner - check_if_visitor_allowed - get_page_number - get_related_posts - get_tag_info - get_user_info - is_ticketed - redirect_back - store_locations LoginController: - account - create - login - logout - new - update CommentsController: - create helpers TagsHelper: [] LoginHelper: [] UserHelper: [] PostsHelper: [] CommentsHelper: [] ApplicationHelper: - niceify_html - niceify_html_for_rss - page_title - rounded_box_bottom - rounded_box_top - tag_link models Comment: [] User: - authenticate - change_password - crypt_password - find_with_count - "isAdmin?" - "isAdmin?" - sha1 Tag: - find_all_with_count - find_all_with_count_for_tags - find_all_with_count_for_user - find_by_name_with_count Post: - find_related_posts - pagetitle - tagsspaced - tagsspaced=
Enjoy. And let me know if you tweak this script in a cool way.