
Blog Post Search With Machine Tags
Posts | Tags / Machine Tags | Date | Comments |
Tux - A Sinatra Console *description* | 10 Apr 2011 | Comments | |
One9 - Upgrade to Ruby 1.9 Now
So ruby 1.9.2 is the future and your still stuck on 1.8 at work. Why? It's a pain ... Well, let's change that. Introducing one9 - a gem to find 1.9 method changes and make the upgrade process smoother.
05 Mar 2011 | Comments | |
Documentation-Generated Irb Autocompletions With Bond and Yard
Since it's last release, bond has gained a number of features. The most novel of these is the ability to generate gem-specific autocompletions from a gem's yard documentation. This release also lets gems ship with their own irb autocompletions and introduces bond to emacs' inf-ruby mode.
19 May 2010 | Comments | |
Screencast Of Argument Autocompletion for Methods in Irb
Bond, a gem to improve irb's autocompletion, just hit version 0.2.0. With this version comes a completion configuration system similar to bash/zsh, more fixes to irb's incorrect completions and most importantly, any method can have its arguments autocompleted! The screencast demonstrates most of this.
07 May 2010 | Comments | |
Lightning - Speed For The User
The previous post explained what lightning does. This post explains how you, the user, can use and customize lightning to speed up your commandline experience.
09 Apr 2010 | Comments | |
Lightning - Speed For Your Shell
Introducing lightning, a commandline framework that could revolutionize how fast you are on the commandline. Lightning lets you easily define and generate shell functions which autocomplete and interpret paths (files and directories) by their basenames. With these functions you don't have to ever type the full path to any file for any command again.
08 Apr 2010 | Comments | |
Hirb - And Tables for All
Almost a year ago, hirb started as an itch to get mysql-like tables for Rails'
ActiveRecord models. Now, hirb 0.3.0 provides table views for ten additional database gems. Whether you use hirb with couch, mongo, riak or any of the databases supported by sequel or datamapper, hirb essentially turns irb into a database-agnostic database shell.
11 Mar 2010 | Comments | |
Two Dimensional Console Menus with Hirb
If you're familiar with hirb, you know it's good at displaying objects as tables. Hirb's latest release takes a table's usefulness a step further by turning them into two-dimensional menus, menus that can pick values from any table cell. Boson, in turn, provides these menus to any of its commands with a flick of the switch.
16 Feb 2010 | Comments | |
Using Gemcutter's Api from the Commandline
Gemcutter recently added a sweet search call to its API. With gemcutter's API and boson, we'll see how to search gems, get a gem's information and compare multiple gems on the commandline. Also, I'll explain how some of this was done so you're able to make commands for any API.
03 Feb 2010 | Comments | |
Typing Less in Irb with method_missing
Being the console-efficient prick I am, let's look at a
method_missing that let's us type less where underscored methods are involved. This means that instead of typing some_really_long_ass_method we can type the shortcut method s_r_l_a_s .
26 Jan 2010 | Comments | |
Boson - Command Your Ruby Universe - Part Deux
With the latest release of Boson, there are a slew of new features that need some explaining. Yes, there is a changelog and documentation, but some of these features are novel enough that a good intro is in order.
21 Nov 2009 | Comments | |
Ruby Reference Commands With Boson
Continuing where this post left off, we'll look at more examples of the unique command and view framework interaction that Boson and Hirb have. In particular, we'll look at commands that are useful references to your current Ruby environment. Since Boson's commands are just methods in a module, any of these commands work fine in irb without Boson.
07 Nov 2009 | Comments | |
How Boson Enhances Your Irb Experience *description* | 19 Oct 2009 | Comments | |
Boson And Hirb Interactions
In the last post, I introduced Boson and its options for commands. What I didn't mention was that Boson also gives those commands default options. Among them are ones to control rendering a command's output with Hirb and even toggle rendering. At the flick of a switch, Boson commands (Ruby methods) can have Hirb's views.
15 Oct 2009 | Comments | |
Boson - Command Your Ruby Universe
Introducing Boson, a command/task framework that could change how you collect and execute your ruby code. Sure, there's rake, thor and a dozen other gems. But how many will let you create a universe of ruby commands you can run from the commandline _and_ irb?
14 Oct 2009 | Comments | |
Hirb Tips For Rails
Hirb has been getting the attention of Rails users with Ryan Bates' screencasts. To address these newcomers I'll share some basics on setting up, customizing and configuring hirb in the context of Rails' script/console. Non-Rails hirb users may find some useful tips here as well.
07 Sep 2009 | Comments | |
Changing Readline Completions With a Key Combo *description* | 30 Jul 2009 | Comments | |
Mini Irb and Mini Script/Console
In my last post, I introduced Bond's own version of irb's completion. What I didn't emphasize is that it doesn't need irb. To prove it, I'll show you a mini irb which has persistent readline history, error handling and Bond's autocompletion ... in 7 lines.
23 Jul 2009 | Comments | |
Better Irb Completion With Bond
In the last post I introduced Bond. This post dips further into its completion arsenal to bring you a drop-in enhancement of irb's completion. Irb has had awesome autocompletion for some time. Bond is here to make it even better.
22 Jul 2009 | Comments | |
Bond - From Irb With Completion Love
Bond is on a mission, as usual. This time it's to make custom autocompletion dead easy in Irb. Simply order Bond to complete arguments, methods or your own twisted regular expressions and they will be executed. No questions asked.
16 Jul 2009 | Comments | |
Alias - Quickness in the Ruby Console
This post introduces Alias, a gem for configuring and managing aliases. Whether you need to alias a method, class, constant or a string of Ruby code, your fingers will thank you.
07 Jul 2009 | Comments | |
Page Irb Output And Improve Ri With Hirb
Hirb just got two sweet features with the 0.2 release - a pager and a selection menu. With the pager, you'll never have to scroll because irb dumped an ungodly
inspect() on you. With the selection menu, you'll have RI taking useful method dumps in no time.
19 Jun 2009 | Comments | |
Exploring How To Configure Irb
In my last post we discussed irb's commands. This post goes further into irb's innards, exploring all of its configuration options.
29 May 2009 | Comments | |
Demystifying Irb's Commands
Irb is one of the most commonly used standard ruby libraries, yet most don't seem to know much about it. I've lost count of the number of blog posts that explain some irb "tricks" or "secret" config options. This is the first in a series that aims to make irb less magical and more accessible.
11 May 2009 | Comments | |
Machine Tagging With Delicious
Recently I introduced Machinetag and its machine tag trees. Now let's apply them to Delicious bookmarks to organize them some. Is this the holy grail of tag organization? No, but hopefully it's one step away from the unholy mess tagging has been.
26 Apr 2009 | Comments | |
How To Write A RubyGem Command Plugin
The latest rubygems has a hot new feature, the ability to plugin in your own commands. In this post, I'll walk you through how to write a gem command plugin, using my own gem grep command as an example. Then I'll introduce gem grep and show some examples of how it enhances the standard gem search.
23 Apr 2009 | Comments | |
I Am Machine Tag And So Can You
This post explains how you can use machine tags with your next web app or even your blog. With Machinetag, a jQuery plugin, you'll be able to search and display machine tagged content as trees faster than Colbert can crack a quip. Well ... maybe not that fast. Warning to fans of Colbert's book, I may not be as funny.
14 Apr 2009 | Comments | |
Building DRY Gems With Thor And Jeweler
Being DRY is a concept I try to embrace as a programmer. Lately when creating new gems, I've noticed that I copy, paste and tweak the same boilerplate gemspecs/Rakefiles. Fed up with this non-DRY gem configuration, I came up with a gemspec config file solution. With this yaml config file and some thor tasks, I'm able to generate gem specifications for any of my gems.
08 Apr 2009 | Comments | |
Github Bookmarklet For User Pages
I have a confession to make. I use github all the time. In order to feed the addiction, I decided to logically awesomeize github's user page. What ensued was a jQuery plugin/bookmarklet which enhances the github user page with repository sorting. And yes, my addiction has only gotten worse.
06 Apr 2009 | Comments | |
What Are Machine Tags?
Have you heard of machine tags? Unless you use Flickr actively, probably not. A machine tag, Flickr's name for a triple tag, is a tag with meta information i.e. how it's related to other tags. What difference can that make? A world of a difference.
26 Mar 2009 | Comments | |
Ruby Class and Rails Plugin Trees With Hirb
In my last post, I demonstrated how Hirb can render puurty tables with automated views. In this post, I'll show Hirb's new tree view using its console methods and these three examples- class inheritance trees, nested class trees and Rails' ActiveRecord trees.
18 Mar 2009 | Comments | |
Hirb - Irb On The Good Stuff
Irb is a great place for interacting with Ruby. Unfortunately, even with the colorful help of wirble, it's not so great for visualizing the output of those interactions. Hirb aims to change that.
13 Mar 2009 | Comments | |
Console Update With Your Editor
Rails' script/console makes it easy to fetch, view and edit your database records. But can you edit those records as quickly as you edit code in your text editor? Riiight, like editing our database records in an editor is gonna happen? It already has.
28 Feb 2009 | Comments | |
Quicker Options For Irb Methods
Although irb does come with decent auto completion, I often prefer aliasing methods. To some degree I've come up with a decent solution to managing method aliases but what do you do when you want to alias a method's options?
23 Feb 2009 | Comments | |
Meta Templates For Github Pages
Whether you know it or not, your Github pages, blog or project pages, get piped through Jekyll. Jekyll's great at generating a site from templates. But what happens when you need to generate those templates from templates?
19 Feb 2009 | Comments | |
Goodbye Blogger, Hello Github Pages
Less than a month ago, Github announced cname support for github pages. I thought it was pretty cool but when I read it was for only paying accounts I thought I'll stick to my free Blogger domain redirection thank you very much. And how wrong I was.
15 Feb 2009 | Comments | |
Local Gem Loads Your Current Code
The other day while actively developing a gem, I got tired of rake reinstalling it to test its effect in irb with some other gems. I wanted to use the edge version of my gem, version now.
05 Feb 2009 | Comments | |
Can We Share Our Extensions Without Monkey Patching?
As Ruby programmers, I think we enjoy the ease and power of being able to extend any core Ruby class. But when releasing gems we often force monkeypatching. Why do this if we want everyone to use our code?
31 Jan 2009 | Comments | |
Block to Hash Conversion for Ruby Config Blocks
While I was busy scratching an irb itch, I came up with a handy technique for converting a method's block definition into a hash.
21 Jan 2009 | Comments | |
Tags, Trees and Facets, Oh My!
I've recently rekindled my affair with organizing tags. As in the past, I started by outlining my tags. But this time some of it seems to be making sense.
17 Dec 2008 | Comments | |
Rails Overview With Rdoc Parser
Ever want a quick overview of a rails project you're working on? I did and here's what I did.
14 Nov 2005 | Comments | |
Irb History Itches Eliminated
Irb, ruby’s interactive shell, is awesome for interactive programming. You can write a few lines and test out that language feature you weren’t aware of. However as your testing becomes more elaborate it can become annoying to rewrite your code. So how do you retrieve old code? Your history, of course.
08 Oct 2005 | Comments | |
Multiple Databases on Rails
Being a tagging freak, I wanted to coalesce my database of tagged tables with typo’s nascent support of tags. Only problem: both use ‘tags’ as the tag table name.
01 Oct 2005 | Comments | |
Lighttpd Working!
Yay! I got typo working with lighttpd and fcgi. Here’s what I did in my server environment.
25 Sep 2005 | Comments |
Yes, the dates on those last posts are correct. They were ported over from my old domain, chwhat.com