Tagged With   gem:name=lightning , post:topic=shell , post:lang=ruby , post:type=tutorial

Lightning - Speed For The User

The previous post explained what lightning does. This post explains how you, the user, can use and customize lightning to speed up your commandline experience.


Default Functions

After having installed lightning:

  # We'll use these aliases throughout this post
  $ alias lg=lightning
  $ alias lgr=lightning-reload

  # List available commands
  $ lg -h
  # ...

  # List default functions generated from install
  $ lg function

  # Lightning lets you abbreviate commands and subcommands
  # so the above can also be
  $ lg f

These functions are in the default format SHELL_COMMAND-BOLT. Lightning generates these defaults by combining the commands echo and cd with global bolts gem, ruby, local_ruby and wild. If you don’t want ruby-related functions, turn them off with: lg bolt global off gem ruby local_ruby.

The previous post had plenty of examples demonstrating the ruby and gem bolts. Let’s look at the other two default bolts, wild and local_ruby. These two bolts are different than the others:

  $ lg bolt show wild   # or lg b s wild
  - "**/*"
  global: true

  $ lg b s local_ruby
  - "**/*.rb"
  - bin/**
  global: true

What’s different about them is that their globs are local i.e. based on what’s in the current directory. Let’s try the wild bolt:

  # In the base directory of the lightning gem
  $ echo-wild [TAB]
  Display all 274 possibilities? (y or n)

  $ echo-wild comm[TAB]
  command_has_required_args_i.dat  commands                         commands_i.dat                   commands_util.rb                 
  command_usage_i.dat              commands.rb                      commands_test.rb                 common.css
  $ echo-wild command_h[TAB]
  $ echo-wild command_has_required_args_i.dat

  # Functions with an infinitely deep glob can be dangerous
  $ cd /
  # TAB if you feel like autocompleting your whole filesystem
  $ echo-wild [DARE_YA]

As you can see, the wild bolt can be wild. But if you use it in the right places, it can save you from navigating several directories.

The local_ruby bolt is a good example of a specialized local glob. It’s main purpose is let the user jump into any ruby related project and instantly command any ruby files regardless of their directory depth:

  # In the base directory of the lightning gem
  $ echo-local_ruby [TAB]
  bolt.rb//lib/lightning               commands_util.rb                     core.rb                              lightning                            test_helper.rb
  bolt.rb//lib/lightning/commands      completion.rb                        function.rb//lib/lightning           lightning-complete                   util.rb
  bolt_test.rb                         completion_map.rb                    function.rb//lib/lightning/commands  lightning-translate                  version.rb
  builder.rb                           completion_map_test.rb               function_test.rb                     lightning.rb                         
  builder_test.rb                      completion_test.rb                   generator.rb                         misc.rb                              
  commands.rb                          config.rb                            generator_test.rb                    ruby.rb                              
  commands_test.rb                     config_test.rb                       generators.rb                        shell_command.rb

  $ echo-local_ruby m[TAB]
  $ echo-local_ruby misc.rb

Note how the local_ruby bolt makes autocompleting in this directory much more relevant than wild. If you’re a programmer, making a specialized local bolt for your language is only one command away: lg bolt create local_language '**/*.my_language_extension'.

Although these two bolts don’t do much with echo, they can, when combined with more useful commands i.e. vim, grep, less.

Create and Delete Functions

We can create and delete functions in three nonexclusive ways. The first way to create/delete a function is by individual combinations of one bolt and one shell command:

  $ lg function create cd gem && lgr
  Created function 'cd-gem'
  Created /Users/bozo/.lightning/functions.sh
  Loaded /Users/bozo/.lightning/functions.sh

  # Give it a spin
  $ cd-gem b[TAB]
  bacon-1.1.0    bond-0.1.4     builder-2.1.2  bundler-0.9.7
  $ cd-gem ba[TAB]
  $ cd-gem bacon-1.1.0
  $ pwd

  # Delete it
  $ lg function delete cd-gem
  Deleted function 'cd-gem'

The second way is to use global commands and global bolts. When lightning generates functions, it combines each global command with each global bolt. For the default functions this means 2 commands * 4 bolts = 8 functions. Global commands are a great way of mass-assigning commands to a group of bolts.

To compare these two ways, say we have bolts python, clojure, ruby and want to combine them each with commands vim and grep:

  # The first and longer way
  $ lg function create vim python  # or lg f c vim python
  Created function 'vim-python'
  $ lg function create vim clojure
  Created function 'vim-clojure'
  # 4 more times ...

  # With global commands and bolts:
  # First make the bolts global since bolts aren't global by default
  $ lg bolt global on python clojure ruby
  Global on for bolts python, clojure, ruby

  # Then add the global commands
  $ lg shell_command create vim   # or lg s c create vim
  Created shell command 'vim'
  $ lg shell_command create grep
  Created shell command 'grep'
  $ lgr
  # ...

  # Expected functions show up
  $ lg f

  # If we want to create or delete global commands across global
  # bolts later, we can do that in one place:
  # Remove grep across global bolts
  $ lg shell_command delete grep
  Deleted shell command 'grep'

  # No more grep
  $ lg f

The third and not usually recommended way is to edit lightning’s config file, ~/.lightningrc. Since ~/.lightningrc is YAML, it’s easy to read and modify. However, lightning depends on this file to function and will fail if the file has a syntax error. Modifying this file is recommended if you need to update existing bolts. Before doing this, read the docs on its format.


As we’ve seen, function naming defaults to SHELL_COMMAND-BOLT. While this is fine for bolts and commands with short names, it can get annoying for long names i.e. echo-local_ruby. To shorten these defaults, you can alias bolts:

  $ lg function list --bolt=local_ruby  # or lg f l --bolt=local_ruby

  $ lg bolt alias local_ruby rb   # or lg b al local_ruby rb
  Aliased bolt 'local_ruby' to 'rb'
  $ lgr
  # ...

  $ lg f l --bolt=local_ruby

  # To list bolts with their aliases
  $ lg bolt list --alias  # or lg b l -a
  local_ruby      rb
  # ...

As you can see, the bolt alias is used in place of the bolt name when generating functions.

When creating global commands, you can alias them as well:

  $ lg shell_command create less l
  Created shell command 'less'

  $ lg function list --command=less   # or lg f l --command=less

  # List commands and their aliases
  $ lg shell_command list --alias
  cd    cd
  echo  echo
  less  l

Note these aliases won’t effect functions that have an explicit function name.

Creating Your Own Bolt

To show you how to create your own bolt with its functions, I’ll show you one I made.

Being a programmer, I have a number of projects spread across directories that I go between several times a day. Here’s a tree view of the directories that organize my projects:

  |-- fork
  |   |-- bacon/
  |   |-- ...
  |   `-- rip/
  |-- gems
  |   |-- hirb/
  |   |-- ...
  |   `-- my_core/
  |-- todo
  |   |-- gems
  |   |   |-- g-outline/
  |   |   `-- mp-tree/
  |   |-- ...
  |   `-- hooks.rb
  |-- repo
  |   |-- bin/
  |   |-- ...
  |   `-- queriac/
  # ....

There are only 2-3 levels of directories or 2-3 tabs to get to the point where I can autocomplete the project name. But as my number of projects grow, I find myself pausing more to remember which subdirectory a project is in. To me, this mental pause and doing 2-3 tabs is a waste of time. Enter lightning.

To create a bolt and its functions, here’s the steps I took:

  1. Identify a group of paths that I use often.
    Directories of coding projects
  2. Create a bolt that represents those paths using globs.
    lightning bolt create code '~/code/fork/*' ...
  3. Create function(s) for that bolt.
    lightning function create cd code c
  4. Generate and load functions into my shell.

Let’s see these steps played out in the shell:

  # Quote arguments to prevent file expansion
  $ lg bolt create code '~/code/fork/*' '~/code/gems/*' '~/code/todo/gems/*' '~/code/repo/*'
  Created bolt 'code'

  $ lg function create cd code c && lgr
  Created function 'c'
  Created /Users/bozo/.lightning/functions.sh
  Loaded /Users/bozo/.lightning/functions.sh

  # Test drive c
  $ c [TAB]
  19it                  console_update        github_user_page.js   local_gem             rip
  alias                 core                  has_machine_tags      machinetag.js         shellable
  bacon                 dm_rails3_app         heroku_twilio_app     mp_tree               snips
  # ...

  $ c h[TAB]
  has_machine_tags   heroku_twilio_app  hirb
  $ c hi[TAB]
  $ c hirb[ENTER]
  # Verify it worked
  $ pwd

Nice! If I want to add another command to this bolt, say grep, we know the drill:

  $ lg function create grep code && lgr
  Created function 'grep-code'
  Created /Users/bozo/.lightning/functions.sh
  Loaded /Users/bozo/.lightning/functions.sh

  $ grep-code -r attr li[TAB]
  $ grep-code -r attr lightning
  $ grep-code -r attr lightning/lib
  /Users/bozo/code/gems/lightning/lib/lightning/bolt.rb:    attr_reader :name, :aliases, :desc
  /Users/bozo/code/gems/lightning/lib/lightning/bolt.rb:    attr_accessor :globs, :commands
  /Users/bozo/code/gems/lightning/lib/lightning/completion_map.rb:    attr_accessor :map
  # ...

Generating Bolts

In the last post we saw how generators are implicitly used to create bolts and functions. But sometimes we need to use generators explicitly to generate bolts:

  # Let's use the gem generator with `lightning bolt generate` to generate bolts

  # Generates a bolt named ruby using the ruby generator
  # This is done implicitly for us with `lightning function create`
  $ lg bolt generate ruby    # or lg b g ruby
  Generated following globs for bolt 'ruby':
  # Generates a bolt named ruby19 using the ruby generator
  $ lg bolt generate ruby19 ruby
  Generated following globs for bolt 'ruby19':

  # To test what a generator generates without making a bolt
  $ lg bolt generate ruby --test

As you can see, if you’re testing a generator or generating a bolt with a name different than the generator’s, use lightning bolt generate.


Some miscellaneous notes:

  • Make your own lightning commands i.e. lg YOUR_COMMAND with command plugins.
  • Use the translate lightning command to test the translation of arguments for a given function:
  # Command to test:
  $ cp-gem -r rubygems-update-1.3.6 .

  # Just prefix the above with lg t (lg translate)
  # Each argument is printed on a separate line
  $ lg t cp-gem -r rubygems-update-1.3.6 .
  • Use the echo shell command combined with a bolt to pass a bolt’s translating ability to any command:
  $ echo-gem -r rubygems-update-1.3.6 .
  -r /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rubygems-update-1.3.6 .
  # Emulate cp-gem from the previous example
  $ cp `echo-gem -r rubygems-update-1.3.6 .`

Wrap Up

This post has been a thorough introduction to using lightning. For more about lightning, visit its homepage and docs. For questions about using lightning, feel free to leave a comment below or open an issue.

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