Module Alias

  1. lib/alias/console.rb
  2. lib/alias/creator.rb
  3. lib/alias/manager.rb
  4. lib/alias/util.rb
  5. lib/alias/validator.rb
  6. lib/alias.rb
  7. show all

Most of the core Alias actions are run through Alias::Manager except for Alias.create. See Alias::Manager for an explanation of how aliases are created.


public instance

  1. config_file
  2. create
  3. manager

Classes and Modules

Module Alias::Console
Class Alias::Creator
Class Alias::Creators
Class Alias::Manager
Class Alias::Validator

Public instance methods

config_file ()

By default, looks for existing files in config/alias.yml and then ~/.alias.yml. A config file has the following keys:

This takes a hash mapping creators to their config hashes. Valid creators are :instance_method, :class_method, :constant, :class_to_instance_method and :any_to_instance_method.
Sets whether creators are verbose with boolean or array of creator symbols. A boolean sets verbosity for all creators whereas the array specifies which creators. Default is false.
Sets whether creators force optional validations with boolean or array of creator symbols. Works the same as :verbose. Default is false.
[show source]
# File lib/alias.rb, line 46
  def config_file
    @config_file ||= File.exists?("config/alias.yml") ? 'config/alias.yml' : "#{ENV['HOME']}/.alias.yml"
create (options={})

Creates aliases from Alias.config_file if it exists and merges them with any explicit aliases. This method takes the same keys used by config files (see Alias.config_file) and also the following options:

  • :file : Specifies a config file to override Alias.config_file. If set to false, no config file is loaded.


# Loads any default files and the ones in :aliases.
# Sets global verbosity for creators.
create :aliases=>{:constant=>{"Array"=>"A"}}, :verbose=>true
# Loads the given file and sets verbosity just for the :instance_method creator.
create :file=>"some file", :verbose=>[:instance_method]
[show source]
# File lib/alias.rb, line 29
  def create(options={})
    file_config = load_config_file(options.delete(:file))
    new_config = Util.recursive_hash_merge(file_config, options)
    manager.verbose = new_config[:verbose] if new_config[:verbose]
    manager.force = new_config[:force] if new_config[:force]
    (new_config[:aliases] || {}).each do |creator_type, aliases|
      manager.create_aliases(creator_type, aliases)
    @config = Util.recursive_hash_merge(config, new_config)
manager ()

Contains primary Alias::Manager object which is used throughout Alias.

[show source]
# File lib/alias.rb, line 51
  def manager
    @manager ||=